Separation & Divorce
Family Law - Department of Justice
Has information about divorce and separation, parenting arrangements, child support and spousal support as well as publications on specific topics such as Moving after Separation and Divorce, Divorce and Family Violence and Family Dispute Resolution.
Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings
Maintains nation-wide records of divorce applications filed after July 2, 1968. If there is another divorce application involving the same two spouses, the Registry lets the courts know.
Family Matters - Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice
Helps families going through separation or divorce by providing access to information and resources to deal with a changing family situation, as well as assistance to resolve urgent and outstanding issues.
Foundations Learning & Skills Saskatchewan
Offers free money management workshops that focus on budgeting, banking, credit and debt management, asset building, and spending habits. Foundations also offers adult, family, and children's literacy programs, as well as literacy facilitator trainings and resources.
Parenting after Separation and Divorce Program
Provides information sessions on the stages of separation and divorce, the impact on children and options for parenting in a way that keeps children out of parental conflict. Every person starting a family law proceeding in which parenting or child support is an issue is required to attend parent education programming.
Carries out court-ordered parenting assessments and operates the supervised access and supervised exchange program.
Information about how to put children’s interests first when parents are no longer together.
Create a Parenting Plan – Department of Justice Canada
Provides information about creating a parenting plan and an online tool for creating a parenting plan.
Help for Kids - Department of Justice Canada
Information for kids about separation and divorce, as well as an online calendar for children to keep track of special events in their lives including times they spend with each parent.
Child & Spousal Support
Federal Child Support Guidelines
These are the guidelines used to determine the amount of child support.
Provides a detailed explanation of how to apply the Child Support Guidelines to calculate the amount of child support, including line-by-line instructions and worksheets.
This service can be used to calculate child support when there is no agreement or order in place as well as to recalculate child support orders or agreements. There are situations when child support cannot be calculated or recalculated using the service. This is a Government of Saskatchewan program and there is no cost to apply.
Simplified Child Support Tables and instructions on how to use them to determine the Table amount of child support in your case.
You can input the required information (annual gross income of paying parent, number of children and province where the paying parent lives) and this program will calculate the Table amount of child support.
About Spousal Support – Department of Justice Canada
Information on the factors courts will consider when deciding whether to order spousal support.
Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines
These Guidelines can be used to find a range for the amount of spousal support payable in certain situations. Courts are not required to follow these Guidelines. These Guidelines cannot be used to determine if a spouse is entitled to support.
Maintenance Enforcement Office
The MEO can receive and monitor support payments. If you are not receiving support that should be paid under a court order or agreement you can register your support order or agreement with this Office and they will take action to enforce it.
Home & Property
Summary of The Family Property Act
Overview of the Act.
Pensions – Divorced or Separated – Service Canada
Information about dividing Canada Pension Plan contributions when couples separate or divorce.
Provides information about dividing employer-sponsored pension plans when a spousal relationship has broken down.
Resolving Disputes
Early Family Dispute Resolution, Government of Saskatchewan
Has contact information for family mediators, family arbitrators and parenting coordinators who are recognized as early dispute resolution professionals and a toll-free number for people that need assistance with the process.
Conflict Resolution Saskatchewan
Provincial organization that can provide information to help you choose a mediator, as well as listings for mediators throughout the province.
Collaborative Professionals of Saskatchewan
Collaborative Professionals provide a client-controlled process where you, your spouse, your lawyers and other trained professionals form a settlement team.
Institute of Professional Mediators and Arbitrators providing public resources and access to family dispute specialists across Saskatchewan and Canada.
Interpersonal Violence and Abuse Programs
Provides information about government and community-based programs throughout Saskatchewan that help families deal with abuse and violence.
Indigenous Family Violence Programs
Provides information about community-based programs that help Aboriginal families living in urban areas deal with abuse and violence.
Provincial Association of Transition Houses (PATHS)
Provides information about emergency shelters, second-stage shelters as well as counselling and support centres and abuse help lines.
Provincial organization dedicated to supporting partnerships with individuals, communities, organizations, and governments to address issues of personal and relationship violence.
Stop Family Violence - Public Health Agency of Canada
Provides information about family violence, including a referral and directory service, fact sheets, research findings and statistics.
Family Violence - Department of Justice Canada
Provides information about family violence, the laws relating to family violence and the kind of help that is available to individuals experiencing family violence.
The program may appoint a lawyer for children and youth who are involved with the Ministry of Social Services or First Nations Child and Family Services agencies in proceedings under The Child and Family Services Act. The appointed lawyer ensures a child’s or youth’s voice is heard in child protection proceedings. The program can be accessed by court order or by referral from someone who knows the child or youth.
Parental Child Abduction – Government of Saskatchewan
Information about parental child abduction including what do if your child is abducted, signs that your child may be at risk and steps to prevent abduction.
The International Child Abduction Act
Provincial legislation designed to assist parents whose children have been wrongfully taken out of the country.
Canada’s national centre that assists law enforcement, medical examiners and chief coroners with missing persons investigations.
A free, confidential, 24/7 service that connects individuals to human services in the province by telephone, text, or web chat, plus a searchable website with over 5,000 listings of social, community, non-clinical health, and government services across the province.
Legal Help
Provides legal services to eligible individuals for family law matters including parenting and support. Please note that Legal Aid cannot assist with family property matters.
Provides legal assistance services to low income, self-represented individuals with family law issues. There is no charge for this service but individuals must have first been denied Legal Aid.
Co-ordinates free legal services through a number of programs to assist individuals with limited means.
Provides legal information in the area of family law regardless of income at no cost. Self-help kits can be ordered that include the forms needed to take a family law case to court and some limited assistance in filling these forms out is provided as well. They do not provide legal advice.
Provides free online access to Saskatchewan Legislation, King’s Bench Rules of Court and Forms. Material can be downloaded or printed but there is a fee to order paper copies.
Provides information about the regulation of lawyers and the complaint process as well a 'Find Legal Assistance' tool.
Saskatchewan law that deals with parenting orders, variation and enforcement. Applies to parents of children whether they are married, unmarried or have never lived together.
The Child and Family Services Act
Saskatchewan law that deals with child protection and the framework for providing services to support and maintain affected families.
Saskatchewan law that deals with child and spousal support. Child support provisions apply to all children regardless of whether their parents are married, unmarried or have never lived together. Spousal support provisions apply to married couples, couples that have lived together as a couple for two or more years and parents of children who are together in a relationship of some permanence.
Saskatchewan law that deals with the division of family property, exclusive possession of the family home and/or household goods, as well as orders to prevent a spouse from wasting, giving away or selling family property. Applies to married couples and couples that have lived together as spouses for two years or more.
King’s Bench Rules Part 15: Family Law Proceedings
Rules that apply to family law court cases.
Forms to be used in family law cases.
Federal legislation that deals with divorce, parenting, child support and spousal support.