
Child Support FAQ

Questions & Answers

If child support is in the Table amount is the receiving parent’s income taken into account?

When a child lives 60% or more of the time with one parent generally the other parent will pay support based on their income alone. The receiving parent’s income will, however, be taken into account if there are special or extraordinary expenses, there is split or shared parenting time, or there is a claim of undue hardship.

Is the income of a new partner considered?

Income of other people in the household may be considered if either parent claims undue hardship. In these cases the income of other parties is required to compare the standards of living of the two households.

I am paying child support. Can I require that the money be spent in a certain way or require the other parent to show me how the money was spent on the children?

No, it is up to the receiving parent to determine how basic child support payments are used. Even if you feel the other parent is not spending the money on the children you must still make the required child support payments. However, if there are special or extraordinary expenses that you are sharing with the other parent you can ask for copies of the receipts for these expenses.

If I spend money on the children can I take this off of the amount of child support I need to pay?

Not unless you have an agreement or court order that specifically allows this. Child support is intended to contribute to basic necessities, not every expense a parent may experience with regard to their child.

Can I pay child support in cash?

Yes, although this may not be a good idea because it does not provide any proof of when and how much has been paid.

What happens if the amount of money I make increases or decreases?

That depends on whether you are the receiving parent or the paying parent. If you are being paid the Table amount of child support your income is not used to calculate support. If you are the paying parent and the change in income affects the Table amount, a change could be ordered. If there are special or extraordinary expenses, split parenting time, shared parenting time or a claim of undue hardship, the income of both parents is taken into account and a change in either parent’s income could mean the amount of child support should be changed. If child support is by agreement you and the other parent could agree on a new amount. If it is by court order you can use the recalculation service if you qualify for it or apply for a court order to change the amount. If you may owe more because of an increase in income you should disclose this to the other parent. If you do not, the court could later order retroactive support. For more information see Changing Child Support.

I never get to see my children. Can I stop paying support?

No, child support is separate from issues around parenting arrangements. See Parenting Orders for information on getting a court order or agreement for parenting time or Enforcing Parenting Arrangements for information on what to do if you are not receiving parenting time that has been ordered.

I am in a new relationship now and have children with my new partner. There just is not enough money to go around. Do I still have to pay child support for my other children?

Yes, you will continue to have to pay child support. Depending on your circumstances you may be able to ask the court to change the amount of child support based on undue hardship.

When does child support end?

Your agreement or court order may state a certain age when support ends. Orders usually continue at least until the child is 18 and longer if a child 18 or over is still dependant because of something like going to school full time.